Thursday, June 26, 2008

What a concept!

Have you seen our latest special for senior pictures? I was thinking about the current situation in the area ... record flooding, families displaced, gas prices changing minute by minute, groceries getting harder and harder to afford .. and decided that as a small business owner I could do something little to help. I'm passionate about photography, passionate about capturing those moments in life that will soon become just a memory. I don't want anyone out there to compromise on things like senior pictures during this trying time. So here's the deal that is simply unbelievable! We are basically doing away with our price list! It's very simple. Pay one price, tell us what you want. Can you imagine walking into the grocery store, handing them $100 and then they say, "Go pick up what you need"? Well, that's what we are doing! Starting out at just $495, you can get all the wallets, 4x5's, 5x7's and 8x10's you need! How easy is that!?! I know it sounds crazy. I've been told people will take advantage of us and order indiscriminately. I guess I just believe that most of the people out there live a life of decency and respect and will get the images they need, and not load up on a bunch of photos they know they will never use.

Check out this link to get more details.

Or better yet, call and tell me you'll take me up on my crazy offer!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Week 3 List Winner

Congrats to Lindsey W. from Linn Mar High School! Winner of a $15 Gas gift card!

Seniors don't forget to sign up for TheList and get entered into our weekly prize drawing!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Week 2 List Winner!

Congrats to Alecia B. from Monticello High School! Winner of a $10 iTunes gift card!

Seniors don't forget to sign up for TheList and get entered into our weekly prize drawing!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Week 1 List Winner

Congrats to Justin W. from Prairie High School! Winner of a $15 Gas gift card!

Seniors don't forget to sign up for TheList and get entered into our weekly prize drawing!